Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Hat and Gloves at the Supermarket

Everyone has two outfits: the one they see themselves in and the one others see. In my mind's eye, I am in evening gloves and a ball gown; my hair swept up to perfection, each curl in place. My makeup impeccable, I float through the air on exquisite four inch heels. This is how I see myself. In reality, my New Mexico roots show through as each and every day I don a pair of jeans, a white tank top and cowboy boots. This is the oufit others see me in.

I hearken to the day when ladies wore hats and gloves to the supermarket; when weekly salon appointments were the norm. Yet, I know that practically speaking, I am averse to such nuisances as manicures (I perpetually have paint and/or ink on my fingers and under my nails anyway) and labor intensive hair-dos (my curly hair seems to have a mind of its own).

Both my grandmothers dressed up when they went out. Neither would have been caught dead wearing the paint spattered college sweatshirt, ripped jeans and mud covered tennis shoes that I wore this morning to the coffee shop. No matter, for while others see an outfit sure to be called out by the fashion police, I see myself in a red, full length Valentino gown with heels to match.

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heidi said...

I picture you like that too... but in a completely different century :-)

LeaKarts said...

It's funny, but when I think of you I see you in stunning vintage clothing, despite the fact that I know otherwise (and truly appreciate your paint spattered jeans and ink-stained fingers!). Your paintings are so YOU that I guess they spread into my subconscious vision of you as well :)

Cakespy said...

LOVE this, and the whole idea of getting dressed to go out. Every time I have been to France, I feel like they're a lot more formal about getting dressed to go to market etc. :-)

edward and lilly said...

Gorgeous! I love getting dressed up :)

TheresaJ said...

Great post! I think it's like that for most of us these days. I not only see myself completely differently in regard to style, but I also see myself younger than I am. When I see myself in the mirror, I hardly recognize myself. I prefer the imaginary me. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. :)

Mary-Laure said...

I wear lots of hats and don't care what people think. Go for it!

Cindy said...

the illustration is fantastic! my grandmother was always pristine even before going to bed. i love the 'idea' of getting dressed up and it's great to see shows like 'mad men' where people put forth such an effort. it looks exhausting!

Karena said...

I love your art & illustartions! Very unique! be sure to visit my blog as a fellow artist....would love to hear from you!

CSD Faux Finishing said...

First of all, beautiful new piece.

Second of all, beautiful new piece!!!

This is almost like prose the way you have written it. I had instant visual of the battle between grunge & glamour :) I know just what you mean too. In my own mind I am 5'8" and can wear white every day without spilling a single thing on it. Quite a far cry from where the world sees me however :)

please sir said...

I know - how did grandparents look so good back then? I'm all about the paint splattered tshirt!

tangobaby said...

I love your imaginary inner self as much as the outer one. The image of you as an artist is very appealing. Don't knock it...we can't all be that creative and lovely! And talented!


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

What a great post- and so true! My grandmother even now gets dressed up to go out. I wish I had the discipline! I can't even paint my nails regularly...

Laura in Paris said...

Oh, how I laughed when I read your post with your description of women of another time, becuase I have a neighbor who dresses exactly how you describe. She wears gloves and a hat everytime she goes out. But (un)fortunately times have changed.

Rosebud Collection said...

Beautiful artwork, as usual..Funny how the dress code has changed..Some ways I am happy we are more relaxed and other ways, it is kind of sad..I think, living in N.Y., I was more conscious of my appearance. I always tease my girls saying, I look just like a hobo now..but a comfortable one..

Blaze said...

I love your illustration! I can't wait for the time to wear gloves and hats! It looks like that time is quickly approaching!

Elizabeth Brinton said...

I love this entry. I am an artist, and always wearing the paint splattered clothes around house and garden, remembering my mom wearing a dress and high heels at home, vacuuming, dusting, cooking, chasing children...
I wear my tango shoes around the house now, to break them in, and to keep up with my image of myself.

Anonymous said...

Love this illustration.

My boyfriend and I always get dressed up when we go to the theatre, even though 99% of people who there are in jeans and t-shirts nowadays. I don't feel it's hard to 'dress up' without spending a lot of money.

Di Overton said...

Beautiful beautiful painting

pve design said...

I adore a hat and gloves and lipstick.
On my wedding day, I wore long kid gloves and felt so elegant. I want to wear a hat and gloves this winter rather than my painted jeans and t-s.