Last night my dog got out. Neighbors across the street sought to corral her back into my house lest she run into the street. Run into the street she did whilst a large truck approached. The truck stopped just in time, but poor Belle was so scared she ran right into the parked truck. She's fine, but I'm shaken up.
My nerves still in an uproar, I sit at the computer, drinking tea trying to calm down a bit. When in these moods, I hearken back to a simpler time by going inside my paintings, seeking solace through Art Nouveau styled organic lines, matte colors, haute couture fashion and pretty faces.
Pictured is one such image. I find her countenance peaceful, her expression calming. She has a certain nobility about her, yet no pretension; her life maybe less complex, less trying than her modern day counterparts. I pretend myself there, and somehow I feel a bit more relaxed.

I love art nouveau style and feel the same way. There's sort of old moderness to it. It was simpler time, but it was quite current. Life seemed good in these pictures. This woman is quite lovely.
I'm glad your puppers is okay! This woman is lovely, she looks strong yet she's letting you see her daydreams, just a little bit.....
Lovely artwork! I hope you feel a bit more calm this afternoon! :( I'm sorry you were shaken up!!
Oh, that must have been so scary! We just got a new dog a week ago, and now I have two babies and a dog to stress over!!!
Your work is just lovely, and I can see how they are relaxing! Nice, clean, and calming!
Ooooo, little Belle Belle! I hate that they forget about it pretty quickly while you continue to have nightmares. Hope you're ok!
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Oh no...poor puppy. I'm happy that she made it back home safely! This woman does have a peacefulness about her.
Glad you doggie is ok....I have an escape artist myself...I keep telling her she doesn't know how good she has it!
Beautiful work! I also escape into my creations, also thinking of simpler times...such romance!
That must have been frightening. I'm glad everything turned out ok though. The illustration is amazing. You have some serious talent!
omg! i'm so glad she's ok! and you're ok! eesh!
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